Twice – “What is Love?” MV Reaction

Watch: TWICE Asks “What Is Love?” In Charming Comeback MV | Soompi

Our group, Kayla, Caitlin, and Mia, had never filmed a music video reaction before, so we made sure to do our research and work out logistics before we started recording. Our situation was also unique in that we had to do a virtual reaction video through Zoom, so there were limitations that we had to work through. For instance, we had to come up with a signal to pause the music video when we wanted to speak, and the person controlling the video had to be attentive to both the music video and the other group members. Despite these barriers, we had a great time completing the reaction video. It was interesting to react with other people as we each noticed different things and gained insight through our different perspectives. There were many movie references throughout the “What is Love?” music video and not all of us recognized every reference, so it was nice to know which movies were being referenced through our other group members. There were also moments where we each noticed different details about a particular scene, so we all contributed for a more complete analysis. Overall, creating the MV reaction video was a fun and new experience.




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