AKMU “How Can I Love the Heartbreak, You’re the One I Love” MV Reaction

Our group had trouble picking a song to talk about, which was more from the wealth of interesting music videos than anything else. AKMU’s “How can I love the heartbreak, you’re the one that I love” stood out to us from the very beginning. On the first watch through, we could tell that AKMU’s music video had a lot of intense symbolism. As we went through it and began to analyze the video, we discovered intricacies that we hadn’t known to be there.

Creating a reaction video helped create a deeper understanding of the song as well. Listening and watching music videos is a largely passive experience. More often than not, we consumed content for enjoyment rather than anything intellectual. Taking an active approach to understanding the songs opened doors for us – for example, the expanding on the metaphor of heartbreak as an ocean. Additionally, by making the video as a group, we were able to offer our different perspectives about the music video and learn from each other.

Overall, we had a fantastic experience making this reaction video. It was a lot longer than we had originally anticipated, which really goes to show the depth of these music videos that goes over our heads so often when we casually consume it as entertainment.




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